Moving into a new home can be an exciting time, but unpacking and organizing can be overwhelming, especially in the kitchen. However, taking the time to organize your kitchen after a move can help you save time and reduce stress in the long run. Here are some simple steps to follow to get your kitchen organized and functional in no time.
Prepare the Kitchen
When moving into a new home, it’s likely that the kitchen has not been adequately cleaned. Before unpacking, it’s essential to thoroughly clean the kitchen, especially in areas where you’ll store your dishes, utensils, glasses, and cookware. Consider using contact paper to create a clean, wipeable surface in drawers and on shelves. Don’t forget to sanitize your countertops and sink.
Take some time to familiarize yourself with the kitchen space by walking around and imagining where you’d typically store cleaning supplies, pantry staples, pots, pans, and knives. This exercise will help you decide where to put everything when you start unpacking.
Gather Your Boxes
If you’ve taken the time to label your boxes accurately, you should have a good idea of what’s inside each one. But if you’re still not sure, take the time to sort through everything, unwrap any large items, and take stock of what you have. It’s essential to do this before you start putting things away in cupboards or drawers, so you don’t have to move them again later on.
Start Unpacking
Given that the sink is the most frequently used area in the kitchen, followed closely by the stove, it’s crucial to carefully evaluate the cupboard and drawer space surrounding these key areas. Take note of the storage areas that are closest and most accessible, keeping in mind that anything stored too high will be difficult to reach.
To begin organizing, focus on unpacking the most essential items that you use every day. These should be placed in the most easily accessible spaces, in descending order of importance. For example, since cutlery is used several times a day, it should be stored in the drawer closest to the sink on the right side (if you’re right-handed). Next, place dish towels and cloths in the drawer below, followed by recipe books in the drawer below that one.
By prioritizing the placement of your most frequently used items, you can streamline your kitchen workflow and save time and effort in the long run. So take the time to plan your storage strategy carefully, and enjoy a more organized and efficient kitchen!
Arrange Your Items Based on Frequency of Use
The previous method of sorting can also be applied to organizing cupboard space. Everyday items like plates, cups, glasses, and cereal bowls should be stored on eye-level shelves or lower. To make glasses easily accessible, place them at eye level in a cupboard close to the sink. Less frequently used items can be placed behind the more commonly used ones or on higher shelves.
For easy access, store pots and pans, along with their lids, close to the stove. Larger items that aren’t used daily, such as baking sheets, roasting pans, or casserole dishes, can be kept in the drawer below the stove.
Items that are not used daily should be stored in cupboards above the fridge or stove. Heavier items should be placed on shelves within arm’s reach to avoid the risk of them falling.
Toxic substances should be kept in hard-to-reach areas. If you have young children, store all cleaning supplies in high cupboards that are out of their reach. Soaps, detergents, and cleaning agents can be stored below the sink if you don’t have young children. If you do have young children, make sure easily breakable items are kept out of their reach, while plastic cups and plates are easily accessible.
Organize Rarely-Used Items
To keep delicate items like fine dishes and china safe, it’s best to store them in a dedicated china cabinet, buffet table, or in cupboards that are harder to access. Some kitchens have tall cabinets that can only be reached with a stepstool, making them a good option for storing fragile items. Placing these delicate pieces in an out-of-the-way area will help keep them secure and protected.
Organize Your Pantry
To maintain the freshness of your canned goods and dry food stock, it’s recommended to store them in a pantry closet or a similar space that is separate from your dishes, pots, and pans. As for spices, it’s best to keep them close to the stove for easy access. You may consider using a drawer space for your spices, and labeling the tops of jars can help you quickly find what you need. Alternatively, you can use spice carts that sit on the counter or racks that hang over the stove. But remember, to preserve their freshness, it’s important to store spices in a dry and cool place.
Reorganize as Needed
Once you have spent a few weeks in your home, it is likely that you will develop a routine for preparing, serving, and consuming meals. Once you have become accustomed to the routine, take the time to ensure that your initial organization efforts were effective. Can you easily access all the necessary items? Did you choose a sufficiently large drawer for your kitchen tools, or are they overflowing? Make any necessary adjustments to ensure that your kitchen is functioning well for you and your family.